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Residential and Business

Blessings and Clearings​

Are you getting ready to sell your home to the next wonderful loving family?


Are you moving into a new home or business?


These are some reasons to consider Blessing and Clearing your environment of a Healthier, Happier, and Harmonious Balance to your life. 


Transform the Energy and Restore the Balance


House blessing is an ancient tradition that invites positive energy into your home. Your home, you give to yourself. As you might have experienced, your space reflects and affects your inner life. If you bless your home and lavish it with love, it becomes a gracious holder of your dreams. During an argument house blessing, prayers, and positive intentions are placed for love, harmony, health happiness, and prosperity. 


Reasons for clearing out old energies, its like spring cleaning. You do not realize the build up of energies around you. 

Contact Jeannie for details and pricing.

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