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Magnified Healing Phase 1

Through breath, sound, and movement, the 1st Phase of Magnified Healing deeply and engages the person who practices it in the healing process and also the person who receives a treatment. It is offered as a full two-day workshop in which the students will learn the 1st Phase healing technique to use on themselves. The prerequisites are a basic knowledge and understanding of the I AM Presence, the Threefold Flame, the Violet Fire, the Hierarchy, and the Ascension process.

The students will receive an attunement with a flower essence that seals in perfect synthesis the energies received and co-created during the workshop.

After an 11-consecutive day empowerment practice following the attunement, the teacher is empowered and ​authorized to teach the workshop anywhere in the world. 

Magnified Healing Celebration

This is a one-day, two-part workshop (a class and ceremony) available to all Magnified Healing Certified Practitioners. In class, participants will learn all the phases of the celebration that they will then apply at the ceremony. The beautiful healing ceremony is open to the general public (except children under 14 years of age). Kwan Yin brought it forth with the intent to create a joyous, informal and yet sacred space. Anyone who wishes to experience the gentle Magnified Healing energy and receive a healing is welcome.



Magnified Healing Phase 3

'Light Healing' Practitioner

This workshop is brought forth through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the guidance of Lady Master Kwan Yin, this is a more advanced healing system in which, through the expansion, intensification, and elevation to the cosmic vibrational frequency of the energies of the 1st Phase, and through the activation of the Sevenfold Flame of the Elohim and of the Violet Fire, participants are able to co-create two laser light rays to be used to heal and reprogram the body to enable it to ultimately become a Body of Light. Third Phase ‘Light Healing’ draws the energy and wisdom of Lord Archangel Melchizedek. The Eternal Lord of Light, in charge of preparing humanity’s evolution into higher states of consciousness, so as to re-establish the Kingdom of God in our Universe. Third Phase is offered as a full two-day workshop at the end of which participants will experience a sacred attunement. Prerequisites are: having been initiated in the 1st Phase and having practiced it with integrity and perseverance for at least four months prior to taking the workshop. Additionally, participants are required to practice the 1st phase for 11 consecutive days in preparation for the 3rd Phase workshop.

Magnified Healing Phase 3 

'Light Healing' Master Teacher Workshop

​​​​This workshop prepares 3rd Phase practitioners to be 3rd Phase ‘Light Healing’ Master Teachers. It is a 3 ½ to 4-day workshop, and it is on a request and invitation basis only. Prerequisites are: having been initiated into the 3rd Phase for Practitioners at least six months prior to taking the Teacher Training workshop, and in that time, having taught 1st Phase. This workshop is taught by Rev. Gisele King or one of the Grand Master Teachers of the 3rd Phase ‘Light Healing' Teacher training workshop appointed by her.


Intuitive Development Workshop



The Four Agreements

Vision Board Workshop

All Coming Soon

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